2022 Student Video Competition

The BCPhA Annual Student Poster Competition is back for 2022, in the form of a student video competition. Organized by the BCPhA Student Ambassadors, UBC Pharmacy students have been invited to create and submit a video with a business pitch. Which group do you think has the best idea and business model?

There are seven student groups competing in this year's student video competition. The groups are:

After watching all the videos submitted by the student groups, each BCPhA member can vote for one group with the best pitch and the best business model. Members can only vote once so choose wisely.

Please vote before May 31, 2022 to ensure your vote is counted. By voting, you will be entered to win one of the following prizes:

Group A - Porefection

Acne is a prevailing problem affecting many teenagers and young adults, and the negative stigma surrounding acne could impede many from seeking medical advice in-person. An online platform would allow for more privacy and accessibility while directing individuals to in-person consults as needed. We propose an online website with self-assessment quizzes about their skin condition to better educate and provide resources such as viable OTC products and non-pharmacological measures catered to their needs (for either acne or overall skin health) available locally.

Group Members: Hanny Yang, Anna Tse, Jessica Lee, Charlene Yang, Grace Song, Angel Chiang, Esther Ko

Group B - Migrane Mentors

2.7 million Canadians were diagnosed with migraines in 2010-2011, with 42% on prescription medications who need pharmacist interventions for drug and dose optimization (Statistics Canada). Many patients don’t try medications long enough before giving up, or need to try multiple acute and preventative migraine treatments.

Migraine Mentors will offer a specialized clinical service through expert pharmacists to coordinate and optimize migraine therapy, as well as provide patient education on trigger management. Our PharmD-trained pharmacists are well-equipped to mediate between patients and their prescribers to ensure the most effective and safe regimens.

Group Members: Manisha Sarkaria, Taran Thandi, Arooj Hayat, Audrey Aurelia, Val Carvalho, William Shen, Bonnie Dai

Group C - Pharmily Planning

Pharmily Planning is an initiative promoting sexual health and family planning. The mission it to alleviate the stress associated with family planning and provide continuity of care through medication management and education. Services will be facilitated by a clinical pharmacist and resources will be delivered through a subscription-based service. Areas of care and education include pregnancy, lactation, sexual health, fertility, and contraception.

Group Members: Marcus Lo, Stella Fang, Lilyan Jia, ChuQi Yu, Lucy Zhou, Rebecca Chiang, Serena Zhang

Group D - Mental Q

Veliter is a prospective interdisciplinary pharmacy service that addresses the rising mental health crisis amongst university students. Current mental health programs offered at UBC do not offer a holistic interdisciplinary approach to psychiatric conditions, nor do they provide a comprehensive review of psychiatric medications like Veliter does.

Team Members: Eric Jeong, Ginny Chen, Dilawar Paul, Celia Dossot, Brian Lin, Kamyar Kazemi Ashtiani, Grant Guo

Group E - Care On Wheels

We would like to create a program to raise awareness regarding the health impacts of drug use and educate users on safer needle disposal and use. Our project will build on this idea to create a well functioning program that raises awareness, is financially feasible and also ensures pharmacists feel more connected to the public health of their communities. 

Group Members: Jasleen Jassal

Group F - Sport Scripts Solutions

Alliance Sport provides evidence-based consultations, reviews, and medical services via International Olympic Committee (IOC)-certified pharmacists. Our goal is to optimize health holistically. We analyze current medical conditions, support future development through nutrition and supplementation, and remain on-call for travel needs. In future we hope to expand our scope by providing other services such as vaccinations (annual/mandatory and travel vaccines), health equipment fitting, and more. 

Group Members: Vanessa Cheng, Brittany King, Lindsay Ellefson, Sierra Sandhu

Group G - Follow Up Service

Our project aims to encourage pharmacies to provide follow-ups with patients that are taking medications for chronic conditions (Ex. Diabetes, blood pressure, etc). The goal is to build an app that facilitates communication between patients and pharmacies regarding medication and medical condition updates. Since pharmacists are often preoccupied with prescription checking and answering patient questions, follow-up services are frequently neglected to make time for these prioritized tasks. Hence, our app can help pharmacists to better utilize MR-F service and reduce the stress and time dedicated to calling patients to ask about the efficacy and safety profiles of their medication while optimizing patient care. For each comprehensive follow-up that is completed, it can be billed towards PharmaCare.

Group Members: Jessica Zou, Hanbin Sung, Clair Yoon, Laura Frankow, Leslie Guo, Jaime Grages, Maric Son

Which group would you invest in?

If you were a pharmacy investor, which group would you invest in? Which group has the best pitch?

Members can only vote once so be sure to choose wisely. Please vote before May 31 11:59 pm to ensure your vote is counted.

By voting, you will be entered to win one of the following prizes:

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