Administration of Injections: Postponed Indefinitely

July 1–31, 2020
– TBD, Vancouver BC

The BCPhA collaborated with the College of Pharmacists of BC (CPBC), Ministry of Health and BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) to develop its Accredited Administration of Injections Certificate Program.

Training sessions began in September 2009.  As of June 2019, more than 3,300 pharmacists have received the authority to administer injections in the province! Congratulations to all the pharmacists who have embraced this expanded scope of practice.

Registration Information

Effective immediately, all in-person sessions at the BC Pharmacy Association are postponed indefinitely. This includes all Opioid Agonist Treatment workshops, Injections training workshops, and the BCPhA Annual Conference.

Training workshop registrants for OAT and Injections will be contacted by a member of the BCPhA team.

For more information, please contact