Pharmacy consulting patient

Changes to the Opioid Use Disorder Guidelines and what pharmacists need to know

February 13, 2024 6:00 pm – 7:15 pm
Zoom – Digital Delivery, Vancouver BC

In 2017, the BC Centre for Substance Use (BCCSU) released the first provincial guideline for the treatment of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). Since the release, the guideline has been updated to align with new evidence and clinical practice changes and to meet the evolving challenges that resulted from unregulated fentanyl and other toxic substances, such as high opioid tolerance.

Join Mona Kwong from BCCSU and Ann Johnston from the BC Pharmacy Association as they discuss updates to the provincial guideline for the clinical management of OUD, including updated clinical recommendations on dosing, titration and missed doses, new protocols for take-home dosing and policy guide changes.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this session, you should be able to: 

  • Describe the updated key recommendations in A Guideline for the Clinical Management of Opioid Use Disorder
  • Apply recommended principles of care when treating opioid use disorder
  • Apply updated dosing, titration, missed dose protocols, and take-home dosing protocols to OAT prescribing
  • Review the College of Pharmacists of B.C.’s updated PPP-66 OAT and their policy guides
  • Apply the clinical and regulatory changes in example case-studies

About the Speakers: Dr. Mona Kwong, BSc(Pharm), PharmD, MSc

Mona Kwong is the Director for the BCCSU Clinical Addiction Pharmacy Fellowship and is the Pharmacy Advisor at the BCCSU. She is a community based primary care pharmacist. Dr. Kwong works at an urban community neighbourhood pharmacy and as a pharmacist consultant at Infinity Medical Specialists Clinic, Vancouver’s first collaborative medical specialists clinic.

Dr. Kwong received her BSc(Pharm) and MSc from the University of British Columbia, MPA from Queen's, and her Clinical Doctorate in Pharmacy from the University of Florida. Her passion is in enhancing the quality of patient care, promoting collaborative interprofessional teams, good governance, policy, education, and mentorship.

Dr. Kwong provides cross-sectional support with the BCCSU teams in clinical, education and research. She has supported guideline development/review and educational initiatives including the BCCSU Guideline for the Clinical Management of Opioid Addiction, the BCCSU Guideline on the Management of Alcohol Use Disorder and the BC ECHO on Substance Use series.

Registration Information

This event is complimentary to pharmacists in BC. A BCPhA account is required to register for this event. If you do not have a login account or if you are unsure if you have a login, please fill out the Account Creation Form and a member of the BCPhA team will contact you. Accounts can be created free of charge with valid College registration.

Registration closes an hour prior to the start of the webinar, at 5:00 PM. On the day of the webinar, you will receive a link to the webinar by email. The email will come from and could be in your junk folder.