Looking to update your knowledge on COPD? BCPhA is hosting a complimentary live-webinar presented by Dr. Patricia Chan on Wednesday, October 3rd at 6PM. Focus will be on new inhaled medications and devices and their place in COPD management. Clinical considerations will be discussed which learners can use to effectively manage acute exacerbation in a community setting as well as when dispensing, counselling and monitoring patients receiving inhaled therapies. Learners will also be able to apply evidence to evaluate and recommend initiation and/or discontinuation of these interventions.
About Dr. Chan
Dr. Patricia Chan is a Clinical Pharmacy Educator with BC Provincial Academic Detailing Service at Vancouver Coastal Health, specializing in medical education. She earned her Doctorate in Pharmacy from the University of Washington and her bachelor’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of British Columbia. Patricia has extensive clinical experience in the areas of general medicine, cardiology, respirology, infectious diseases, and emergency medicine. She is also a Clinical Instructor in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of British Columbia.