The BC Pharmacy Association is taking the unique step this year to host our Annual General Meeting remotely.
In recent years, the BCPhA Annual General Meeting has been held during the annual BCPhA conference in May.
This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and our concern for the health and safety of our members and staff, the BCPhA cannot hold an in-person Annual General Meeting.
Instead, we have arranged to hold the meeting through a telephone town hall on June 24, 2020. We thank you for your patience as we all work toward a successful virtual AGM.
Members will have by now received invitations to register for the AGM via email and mail.
Eligible members can also log-in and access the following link below to register.
Your contact at the BCPhA:
For more information please contact Devyani Basoodetsing at devyani.basoodetsing@bcpharmacy.ca or (604) 269-2884.