Meet the BCPhA’s ImmsBC support team!

Updated on August 30, 2023 (Originally posted on August 8, 2023) The Tablet
ImmsBC team

(Left to right, standing): Gary Mui, Bryce Wong, Emily Story, Andy Shen, Chenoa Flack, Vince Lee, Kam Aujla, Inna Omelyukh, Chelsea Netzlaw.
(Left to right, sitting): Yvonne Brown, Ann Johnston, Rachel Albert, Stephanie Anuta, Jenna Morneau, Patricia Chin.

Since the launch of the ImmsBC appointment booking system, the Association assembled a dedicated team made up of BCPhA staff and contract employees to managing all aspects of the provincial ImmsBC system for pharmacy users.

The work includes provisioning pharmacies and pharmacy user accounts onto ImmsBC, training, day-to-day technical support, vaccine ordering and allocations, as well as forecasting demand and coverage capacity in partnership with health authority for both COVID and Influenza.

In late June, the ImmsBC system was expanded to enable patients to book Minor Ailments and Contraceptive Services appointments in pharmacies. The team is currently developing a new online support website so that pharmacies can access the information they are seeking with greater ease as well as a live chat box feature alongside in preparation of the upcoming COVID and influenza season.  Also, the team is working with health authorities in increasing pharmacy participation in HPV vaccinations in key areas where HPV vaccinations are low.  

To reach the ImmsBC team, please contact

This article is featured in The Tablet. The Tablet features pharmacy and industry news, profiles on B.C. pharmacists, information on research developments and new products.